Accident Investigations
* I conducted marine accident investigations for the U.S. Coast Guard from 1983 until 1999. From 1999 until the present I have been investigating and analyzing accidents for marine claims. Investigations into the cause of an accident can assist you in preventing similar accidents in the future. This will save you and your company money in the long run. Investigations will look into the following causal factors.
* Human factors: Knowledge, experience, behavioral, supervision, communication, man-machine interface, physical limitations, etc.
* Mechanical Factors: Design, Installation, and Maintenance.
* Weather Factors: Existing conditions and how they relate to the vessel and crew.
* Regulatory and Industry Standards relevant to the incident.
The format of an accident report will conform to various State, Coast Guard, or insurance company requirements as needed. They may be on the State accident reporting forms, the Coast Guard form CG-2692 or follow the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Resolution A.849(20) Code for the investigation of marine casualties and incidents. Additionally any company or insurance forms may be included in the report as requested.
I will use both root cause analysis techniques and chain of event analysis to conduct a quality investigation.
High quality investigations after an accident, which include recommendations for safer practices, can save you countless dollars in the future by aiding in preventing similar accidents. Marine Surveys